Amphibians: History of Life on Earth Life originating in the oceans colonizes the land.
Complex life forms evolved and thrived
in the oceans and shallow seas
over 600 million years ago.600,000,000 However years ago . . .No plants were growing on the land.
No animals were moving about.About 500 million years ago,
primitive plant life
began to grow
close to shorecreating new habitats
for other living things.scorpions!the very FIRST ANIMALS
to survive on land were . . . About 440 million years ago
soon followed -centipedes and millipedes Arthropods?scorpions
millipedesCreepy crawlies - everywhere!Scorpions and Other Arthropods Escape to LandHistory of Life on EarthAFTER
the scorpions
first walked on land 40 million years
and FEET
to plow through
thick plant growth developed LUNGS
to survive the low oxygen
in the water Fish living in swampy wetlandsAMPHIBIANS!These flat-footed,
air-breathing "fish"
were evolving into . . . 4 legged animals escape to landBreathing air and walking on four legs Amphibians --
the first vertebrates
to leave their water world
to live on landCarboniferousThe First Amphibians Dominate the Land CLOSE this tab to return to the book.The first VERTEBRATES to walk on landAmphibians!