Penny Slider Test
to the image on the next slide.
Let’s experiment.
food coloring.
into a cup.
into an empty
jar or plastic cup.
Make it about
half full.
colored water
to the oil.
and water?
Some liquids MIX together.
Others do not.
It has to do with CHARGE.
More about that later.
question mark
the for answer.
question mark
the for answer.
The oil is on TOP.
The water is on the BOTTOM.
If you added honey,
it would form a third layer
BELOW the water. Try it.
The oil or the water?
question mark
the for answer.
than WATER.
So oil floats on top of the water.
you take
a bath,
in a bathtub,
somethings FLOAT
Others SINK.
hold an object that
will FLOAT.
hold an object
about the same size
that will SINK.
The clay brick will sink.
that are exactly the same size.
and which will sink?
the object will FLOAT or SINK in water?
the object will FLOAT or SINK in water?
The density of styrofoam is .15 kg/l
The density of brick is 2.00 kg/l
2 bricks
Which SINK? Test using CUSTOM.
Styrofoam, brick and ice?
with greater density
than water float
or sink in water?
of water?