Chemistry – Hybrid Learning


Online STEM course provides for remote , distance , hybrid or blended learning needs. Minimum price of $9.99 for 32 students. Full access to the Chemistry Hybrid Learning course for 1 year.

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Best when used in association with the Chemistry Book and Kit or Chemistry Teachers Pack (for classrooms). 

Also see the Chemistry student resources Portal to Discovery.

Complies with NGSS:

NGSS 2. Structure and Properties of Matter
2-PS1-1, 2-PS1-2, 2-PS1-3, 2-PS1-4

Core Disciplinary Ideas:
PS1.A Structure and Properties of Matter
PS1.B Chemical Reactions

Chemistry: Solids, Liquids and Gases
Capture a CO2 explosion
Squeeze an egg into a bottle
Grow crystals
Make candles
Freeze liquids into solids
Dissolve and filter solids
Dye a flower from the inside out
Change states of matter