Chemistry Plus – Hybrid Learning


Online STEM course provides for remote , distance , hybrid or blended learning needs. Minimum price of $9.99 for 32 students. Full access to the Chemistry Plus Hybrid Learning course for 1 year.

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Best when used in association with the Chemistry Book and Kit or Chemistry Teachers Pack (for classrooms). 

Also see the Chemistry student resources Portal to Discovery.

Complies with NGSS:

NGSS 5. Structure and Properties of Matter
5-PS1-1, 5-PS1-2, 5-PS1-3, 5-PS1-4

Core Disciplinary Ideas:
PS1.A Structure and Properties of Matter
PS1.B Chemical Reactions

Chemistry+: Atoms and the Alphabet of the Universe (mostly metals)
Selected experiments designed to make elements elementary and explore the periodicity of the periodic table. Learn about atoms and the stuff they are made of – protons, neutrons and electrons.