Lesson 1

Is a loop always a circle? Build circuit loops.
Light lights. Spin a pinwheel with a motor. Mix colors with motion.

You will also need a clean flat area to do the projects: or or as well as some markers and crayons. Find the red loom looper
in your kit.
Place the loom looper on your work area. Use 4 fingers to shape
it into a square.
Shape the loop into a . . . triangle circle oval Loop!
No matter what shape it is, it's still a
You can remember the word by rhyming it with other words: LOOP h _ _ _ st _ _ _ p_ _ _ tr_ _ _
LOOP! Electricity flows in a loop. There is a reason for concentrating on the word
Trace the loop in the picture using a pencil eraser. Tap on each
for audio.
2 5 3 4 1
On to building your own circuit loops.
Find a clean work area and your kit.
When you are ready, go to the next slide.
Find these items in your kit: battery
light bulb
with holder
1.5 Volt
Wrap the battery band
around the battery.
Attach the alligator
clips to the battery.
1 2
Connect the free
end of each alligator
clip to the bulb holder.
When the loop is complete, the light shines. 3
Can you feel
the shaft spinning?
Connect the motor
from your kit
in its place.
Remove the light bulb
holder from the loop.
Reconnect the battery
and watch it twirl.
Put the pinwheel
on the shaft
of the motor.
6 Push the disk on the shaft.
Turn it on. Watch it spin.
Try coloring a blank disk
while it spins. Explore!
Color one of the disks
in the kit using markers
or crayons.
Try making a
Newton's Color Disk.
If the colors are balanced, the disk
will appear white as your spin it with the motor.
It not, the disk may appear tan or gray or even pink.
This is an example of spin art. To create your own spin art,
hold markers against a disk
as you spin it with your motor.
pattern disk

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