Lesson 2

What do batteries do? What IS an electrical load? Don’t short out a battery!
Learn to connect one-way parts and light an LED.
Add batteries together. Change electrical energy into sound energy.

What did you do last time?
alligator leads PRINT the word next to
the image on the next slide.
loop battery circuit bulb motor
E-Lesson 2 lig bat mot loo bul wir
NO!! X NO!! X NO!! X NO!! X YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! Which of these has an electric motor? Batteries
and Buzzers
The battery is the source
of electrical energy.
Warning! Don't SHORT OUT the battery! NEVER
connect one end
of the battery directly
to the other end!
load. The battery needs a
can be a... load or a motor light bulb A Onto building your NEXT circuit loops.
Find your kit and a clean surface.
When you are ready, go to the next slide.
Find these items in your kit: two
two 1.5 Volt
buzzer alligator
LED. An LED will only work in one direction.
Reverse the connections if it doesn't work the first time.
Put the LED
into the circuit loop.
You may
need to use
two batteries
in series to
see the LED.

A load can be an LED.
The POSITIVE end of your battery
has a nub or small knob.
To connect two batteries in series,
you first have to know which end is which.
The NEGATIVE end or bottom
of your battery is FLAT.
+ -
Select or click-on
the positive terminals
of these four batteries.
Now select the two
negative terminals
that you can see.
To connect two batteries in series,
connect the PLUS end of one battery
to the minus end of the other.
Now connect the LED to the TWO batteries. + + + - - - The positive end
of the LED is longer.
A buzzer will only work in one direction.
Connect the red wire to the positive terminal of the battery. buzzer A load can be a buzzer. Connect the black wire to the negative terminal.
WATCH this video on Electricity. Turn up the sound to hear The Electricity Song. Volume Controls
Let's think about a LOAD again.
An electrical load changes electrical energy
into other types of energy.
A buzzer changes electrical energy into: A motor changes electrical energy into: A light bulb changes electrical energy into: light light light sound sound sound motion motion motion

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