to the image on the next slide.
but do you know which batteries will still work
even though they are no longer new?
an important tool -- the multimeter!
The longer wire on the LED
must connect to the POSITIVE
on the battery.
you will need:
will be dim,
even with
a new battery.
the voltage of each
USED battery.
to that USED battery and
record if the LED lights.
You will need a darkened place to see the dimmest LED flicker.
on the previous
class (slide 23)
to measure
the voltages.
The minimum and maximum voltages needed for a particular electronic part
are usually specified by the manufacturer online or in a printed catalog.
of the used batteries
will work with the
motor or buzzer,
even though they
didn’t light the LED.
The RED wire
must connect to the POSITIVE
on the battery.
what will be the total voltage?
to measure the voltage of a battery!
of the same type
(AA, AAA, C or D)
(not in the kit)
2 black
alligator leads
test leads
the plus end
of one battery
to the minus end
of the other.
of each battery.
the two batteries
together in series.
and record the voltage
across both batteries.
across two batteries
compare to
the individual
battery voltages
than it was with one battery?
to the two batteries
in series.
The longer wire
from the LED
connects to the positive battery terminal.
(refer to Class #1, Slide 23)
to measure the voltage across
each of these three circuit components.
Record the voltage in the book or on paper for each component.
with only one battery.
supplied by the battery.
Did you notice that despite the different components
-- the voltage was ALWAYS THE SAME?
What are you actually measuring
in these “one component” circuits
2. across the buzzer
3. across BOTH
RECORD each voltage.
in one big loop.
This is called a SERIES circuit because all the components
are linked together
in a SERIES,
one after the other.
You may want
to try two batteries
instead of one!
to measure the voltage
across each component
on this circuit:
divided between the buzzer and the LED.
This SPLITTING of the voltage between components connected in series is called . . .
click on the red button.
2. 2 volts
3. 8 volts
Here "potential difference" is another term for voltage.
as ONE joule of energy per electric charge of ONE coulomb. 1V = 1J/C.
You can leave these details for later or explore them now.
combine when batteries
are connected in series
in series, do all parts get the same voltage