This class requires color coded ring magnets and a pencil or straw.
These items are included in the kit.
Students use color coded magnets to explore the rules for magnetic attraction and repulsion.
They identify and label the magnetic poles: north and south.
to the image on the next slide.
to the end
of the string.
with a pencil and string.
on the floor or
in a container on the floor.
you will need:
onto your pencil.
the top two magnets will FLOAT.
If two magnets stick together,
flip one over.
the ring magnets ATTRACT each other
to white
each other on
the ring magnets
Does white push away white
red attracts white
(THREE words each)
you just learned for magnets:
are called POLES.
of a magnet are different.
Each POLE has a name.
of your bar magnet?
in your two rules for magnets.