Lesson 3

What did you do last time? H2O H2 hydrogen oxygen O2 flammable PRINT the word next
to the image on the next slide.
ChemPlus - L3 hyd pro neu nuc ele ion
Hydrogen and Oxygen FIRST: As you "popped" hydrogen,
you were actually identifying it!
SECOND: NOTICE that the formulas for
hydrogen and oxygen gases are written as H2 and O2.
THIRD: Did you NOTICE that when you split H2O with electricity,
that the tube with H2 filled up twice as fast as the tube with O2?
Looking at the BALANCED reaction to the left, do you see WHY?
Oxygen - O2 FOURTH: Is there test for oxygen
that is as simple as the test for hydrogen?
Hydrogen is the lightest element in nature.
Most of the elements are solids
but hydrogen exists as a gas at room temperature (20 degrees C).
Find these items around your home. To do this, find the sheet
of cutouts inside the book.
1 The Hydrogen Atom Cut out one proton
and one electron.
Let's pretend you are a hydrogen atom.
Tape the electron and proton
to separate sticks or pencils
or attach each to a string
to wear as a headband.
2 The proton has
a POSITIVE charge.
The electron
has a NEGATIVE charge.
Hydrogen has one electron and one proton.
Now use these props to act out the structure of a hydrogen atom.
Hold the electron
and run in circles
around the proton.
3 Have someone
hold the proton
or place the proton
on a chair.
The proton is in the nucleus at the center of the atom.
The electron moves in a spherical cloud around the nucleus.
What charge does
the proton have
Click for answer. The proton has
a POSITIVE charge.
What charge does
the electron have
Click for answer. The electron has
a NEGATIVE charge.
As you cannot fly,
you had to run with your feet
on the floor
in a flat circular orbit
around the proton.
Imagine that this small child is
a proton in the nucleus of hydrogen.

Imagine that this proton child
has a wooden paddle with a rubber ball
attached to an elastic string.
Think of the ball as an electron.

Watch as this proton child creates
a spherical space around himself
by hitting the rubber ball which travels
outward in all directions.

There would be a whole space surrounding the child where the ball would bounce in and out, a spherical region you would avoid. So it is with atoms!
Each atom in the universe consists of a lot of frantic emptiness! The electron in hydrogen actually exists
in a spherical region
called an ”S” Shell.
How small is an atom? What are atoms made of? How small is an atom? The element with
one proton is called
Acids have a
pH below what
Does a hydrogen
ion have a charge
What are the characteristics of hydrogen at room temperature 1 2 3 4 5 When was
hydrogen formed
a colorless, orderless, highly flammable gas and a diatomic molecule, H2 hydrogen seven YES. H+
a positive charge
shortly after the big bang

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