Requires: wax, crayons, string, pan, heating element, water and 2 cans
Favorite childhood activities are used to explore the changes of state of matter.
These changes in state include: melt, freeze, evaporate, boil and condense.
Through videos and a simulation students learn that all matter is made of particles.
to the image on the next slide.
a solid to a liquid is called
a liquid to a solid is called
when a liquid changes to a gas?
There are actually two names.
Do you know them?
how much water
is left each day.
to evaporate from each container?
Which is faster?
Set both aside.
into a dry flat
pan or dish.
test tube
with water.
tube with water.
surface of the glass.
CONDENSES water vapor
out of the air
onto the surface of the cup.
with ice cubes.
Where did the water on the
outside of the glass come from?
water condensation:
in the shower?
on car windows?
on a cold glass?
it is called CONDENSATION!
a fixed shape
of matter
the container it is in.
a solid, to a liquid and to a gas.
into the can and place the can
in the pan
of water.
to melt the wax
and crayons.
into the wax.
by dipping it
into COLD water.
over and over.
SOLID candle wax
into a GAS,
burn it.
As it burns,
the wax vaporizes.
It becomes a GAS.
pour the wax
into the mold.
such as a pint milk carton
(500 ml).
Cut off the lid.
if you used a soft mold.
center the wick over the mold.
the particles spread throughout?
2. In which state of matter do the
particles go to the bottom and slip and slide past each other, but stay together?
3. In which state of matter are the particles more rigidly packed together and have their own shape? Do they still move?
on Electra.
the red button.
2. Liquid
3. Solid, yes