Core Disciplinary Ideas: ETS1.A Defining and Delimiting an Engineering Problem; ETS1.B Developing Possible Solutions; ETS1.C, Optimizing the Design Solution PS4.A, PS4.C, ETS1.C
Engineering Projects: Build and Explore Inventions Made with Coils & Meet Mr. Faraday Build a Motor (20 minutes) Break Open a Motor Make a Very Simple Generator (5 minutes) Turn An Electromagnet into a Telegraph (30 minutes) Build a Radio (1.5 hours)
Lesson 1
Coils, Coils, Coils! Wrap a wire around practically anything and you’ve got a coil! This lesson introduces the idea of a coil and explores electromagnets. The kit provides magnet wire, battery band, sand paper and nail. A compass (you can make one), extra paperclips and battery are not provided.
You will also need
a clean flat area to do the projects:ororCoils, Coils, Coils, wrap a wire around practically anything
and you’ve got a --C O I L !With a coil you can make a spinning motor, a clicking telegraph,
a light flashing generator and a working radio.C O I L S!Before you begin
building these
inventions with coils,
take some time
to revisit . . .WAIT!ELECTROMAGNETS.You have played withpermanent magnetsand you may have made
temporary magnetsbut have you every made an electromagnetTo do thisyou will need:battery bandmagnet wire1.5V batterynailYou can make a magnet
with electricity.sandpaperWrap the rubber band around the battery.Wrap the wire around
the bolt or nail,
at least 30 times.
The wound
is called
a COIL.Leave plenty of
wire at each end.Sand each end
of the wire
with sandpaper.1Making an Electromagnet23LESS!Connect each end of the wire to the battery
by slipping them under the rubber band.Make a coil with half the turns (15).
Does the electromagnet
pick up more or less paperclipsCount and record
the number of
you can pick up
with the nail. Electromagnet!45Click on PLAY bottom left.Congratulations!You just made a magnet
with electricity!Click here to make a compassWhich end of the compass needle points to the head of the nail?Does an electromagnet have a north and south pole?NOW flip the wire connections
to the battery.
What happens to the poles
of the electromagnet? 12Test it with a compass if you have one, otherwise make one.Which end of the compass needle points to the tip of the nail?Which of these coils
makes the stronger electromagnetWhich of these
is strongerClick for answer.Click for answer.Test these for yourself.
3VYou can weaken a temporary magnet by hitting it against a table or dropping it on the floor.
You can turn off your electromagnet by pulling one of the wires
away from the battery.ONOFFSometimes the nail
stays magnetized.
Can you guess why?Turning Electromagnets On and OffElectromagnets are used to sort scrap metal.
Electromagnets can lift huge loads of iron and steel. Detecting Magnetism in a WireYou will need:Place the wire
over the
compass.What happens to the compass needle
for each arrangement of the wire?Briefly touch the other
end of the wire to the other battery terminal.Hold one end
of the bare
wire firmly against
one terminal
of the battery.wirecompass1234EXTRA: Place the wire next
to the compass and repeat 2-3.
Then try wrapping the wire
around the compass, as show.ElectromagnetismHow Does Electricity Create A Magnet?When electrons flow
in a wire, what happens around the wireWhat instrument can you use to detect a magnetic field around a wireWhat did you use
to make a magnet
you could turn ON and OFFAs you increase
the number of turns
in a coil, what happens
to the electromagnet1234a magnetic field forms around the wirea compassa battery, a wire and a nailit gets stronger